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PE kit

School logo branded uniform can be purchased from Emblematic

(Clothing with the school badge on is optional. Ties are optional)


Parents can order online here or from the store:

Emblematic Ltd, Unit 26, North Tyne Industrial Estate, Longbenton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 9SZ


White polo top/shirt
Royal blue sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan
Black/grey trousers/skirt
White/grey/black socks/tights
Blue check dress or black/grey shorts in summer
Black shoes/boots/trainers (preferably Velcro for early years)


PE Kit
White t-shirt
Royal blue joggers or shorts
Royal blue hoodie (optional)
Black/white trainers/plimsolls


*No bright coloured trainers, no trainers with bright/fluorescent logo, no leggings*