Other Years
In Year admissions are those that occur other than at the normal time of entry to school (September).
KS1 (Y1 and Y2)
KS2 (Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6)

School logo branded uniform can be purchased from Emblematic
Parents can order online here or from the store:
Emblematic Ltd, Unit 26, North Tyne Industrial Estate, Longbenton, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 9SZ
Black/grey trousers/skirt
Blue check summer dress or grey/black shorts in summer
White, grey or black socks/tights
Black shoes/boots/trainers and black/white trainers/plimsolls for PE
*No bright coloured trainers, no trainers with bright/fluorescent logo, no leggings*
Our School milk is provided from a company called Cool Milk. Children can receive a carton of semi-skimmed milk each day. To register click here.
School Lunches
School meals are free for children in Year 1 and Year 2.
School meals are £2.60 for children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 unless you are eligible for benefit-based free school meals.
Parents can pre-order meals via Appetite. Children and parents can choose their preferred meal which not only helps with reduced wastage but also better food education, encouragement of healthy food options and increased parental engagement.
Read more about our school lunches and view the menu here
Out of School Club
Cullercoats Children's Club
How to Apply
In Year admissions are those that occur other than at the normal time of entry to school.
Parents can apply online here. Information leaflets and FAQs can also be found here.
Moving from one North Tyneside school to another
If your child is currently attending a North Tyneside school, ask your child's school for an application form.
Not currently in a North Tyneside school
Children who are not residents in the UK but have intention to enter the country may be asked to provide proof of an established address before the application can be processed. Section B on the form would not need to be completed for families new to the area but a recent school report alongside your application is welcomed.
Need more help and information?
Access Team
Quadrant East
Silverlink North Cobalt Business Park
North Tyneside
NE27 0BY
Pack A - New Starter Pack (For children who have been offered a place)
We are very pleased that your child will be joining Cullercoats Primary School in September. We look forward to a happy association with you and your family during your time with us.
There are a number of policies that need to be read together with general information about the school, some of which require discussion with your child and a signature before being returned to school. Please click here to complete Pack A.
Please complete Pack A and return to the school office (emails will be accepted).
If you are unable to complete Pack A online, paper copies can be collected from the school office.
Pack B - Policies (to be read in conjunction with Pack A)
Please see drop-down boxes below to read the policies before signing and returning Pack A.